Month: January 2014

Session 12 – Final session

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Hi guys and thank you for your attention!

We have gotten to the last session of the course and a journey is coming to its end. We have enjoyed this course very much and we look forward to getting our feedback from the professors.

Here are the recaps from session 12:

First of all every group presented their first draft of their pitch. We got some really valuable feedbacks and were able to see more clearly what we have to change. The rest of the class we mainly talked about the business plan, the pitch, deadlines, contents etc.

The Business Plan 

The Business Plan is indeed very important, but as our professors say: The pitch and the team will be the thing that makes the investor  decide on investing or not. The plan is for us, the team, and not for the investors.

However, as this is a course we have to deliver the buinessplan and it should be about:

1. What are we going to do?

2. How do we plan to do it?

3. How will we make money from it?

Our businessplan will tell the story about the TempBox, how it is today, how it will be in the future, who will buy it, why, and so on.

We went to all the stages of the plan and we talked about how to build ours to be great!

Thank you all for following us!

Best wishes from The Lean Explorers!